Decreased stress before the best increases with the start of the school year and approaching the class exams and the end of the stress semester for students you may feel heart broken when you attend an exam session and you have forgotten everything you have read so you are quickly reviewing for mules and definitions in your mind and when you want to start the test take a deep breath and raise your hand with trembling hands if you are experiencing these feeling is stress before the trial this stress will cause fatigue insomnia weight loss and depression keep in mind that by wasting time on the exam session and getting involved with these feeling the exams will not be easier for you it also gets harder you need to be able to manage these emotions to succeed in your exams Dr ray stephanick a clinical assistant professor in the department of psychiatry at Georgetown university says: everyone gets stressed before the exam a small amount of stress helps us prepare and focus for the test but too much stress can have serious consequences for people stress engages many students but unfortunately it is a subject that is not given much attention. If you also stressed before the exam if you want to have space of mind and self-confidence join us in this article to provide tips to solve the problem to treat this type of stress you must first understand what is cussing it this makes it easier to find ways to overcome stress sometime this stress can be passed from parents to children Dr Stefanick says stress often has a genetic component that is passed on to children more from anxious mothers if you siblings are struggling with stress this can justify your stress if you are one of those perfectionist who want to always be the best and not make any mistakes your stress is due to fear of mistakes and failures fear of failure can cause tension in the exam obsessive-compulsive discover can increase your grades but it can also have devastating effects on your mood and emotional well-being before you stand the exam you may continuously think that if I don’t answer the exam well I will definitely drop my grade point average will be low and etc.
These issues indicate that you are afraid of failure, and this has caused you a lot of stress the bitter experiences of the past, such as the breakdown of midterm exams may create bad memories in your mind and inadvertently cause stress before the exam sometime you get stressed because you are not ready for the exam, for example, you want to stay up at night to study, but for whatever reason, you don’t do it, and the next day you get a lot of stress during the exam session most students have this problem and the reason is not apologizing in the right way. Symptoms of stress before the exam, first of all, you should know that the usual anxiety that most students face before exams is different from real stress if your stress affects your sleep at night and your appetite and you don’t do a good job that you are interested in you will be stressed before the test but if this happens to you all the time there is a bigger problem there is no official diagnosis for pre-exam stress but if you go to a university counselor he or she can diagnose pre-exam stress by examining the symptoms the most common sign of stress before the test is the emptiness of the mind in addition to depletion of the mind physical factors such as excessive heartburn sweating before dizziness and dizziness are signs of stress before the test
Some mental and psychological symptoms such as fear or anger and thought can be a sign of stress before the exam. Ways to reduce stress before the exam: if you want to deal with stress, you need to have a proper study plan, and here are some steps you can take to begin the process of preparation for mediation.
Eat healthy foods:
By spending a lot of time studying and studying, your body’s energy will also decrease to keep your body energized. It’s a good idea to get some energy before eating low fat low protein snack like Greek yogurt and chicken barbecue and focus on the content of your lesson without feeling hungry or losing energy in order to stay healthy and not feel board your body water level should be sufficient so don’t forget to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.
Get enough sleep:
Most students stay awake to study more on exam night, but its best to get enough rest and sleep well to overcome stress sleep deprivation can lead to caffeinated beverages such as coffee, which can increase your stress settle on your schedule for about 8 hours with proper planning during exams.
If you want to overcome stress before the exam, even if you are not an athlete, allow your mind to focus on extracurricular activities by doing a few light exercises you don’t feel tired and bored with this.
Talk to a university or school counselor:
Just as it is important to pay attention to the health of the body it is also important to pay attention to the health of the soul if you feel stressed before the exam, go to a school or university counselor and talk to him or her then if you feel stressed again talk to your doctor about taking ant anxiety medications.
Study with planning:
Get ready for it about a week before the exam with careful planning and schedule and manage your schedule every once in a while by doing this you believe that you can manage yourself and reduce your stress to discover your reading skills. Try a few different techniques and see which one works best for you, for example, write down important points on flashcards shaped sheets and read them aloud or ask a friend to read them aloud to you try to summarize the important points and reduce their stress by studying them before the exam.
Try it out for yourself to practice:
In addition to studying and reviewing a lot of time set aside time to test yourself, this can reduce your stress design your practice test by finding pre-determined questions and writing them down try to do this in a space with complete silence and turn off the cellphone and answer the questions at a special time allotted to it.
Be realistic:
Don’t be fooled yourself with sentences like there is still a long way to go before the exam its snows, so the exam is canceled because these methods don’t help you whether you like it or not you have to sit at the exam session, so be realistic.
Other peoples study methods do not always work for you:
People are different some like to wake up early and study some people like to study up late at night and study so you don’t set your time like others people instead, choose the one that works best for you.
Ignore people who stress you out:
some of your friends may claim that they study 20 hours a day they want to stress you out and boost your self-confidence worrying and stress will not help you so don’t pay attention to what they say and don’t worry there are those who constantly say that they have not studied at all but when the results are announced they get high scares this is not possible if they have told the truth it is better not to pay attention to the words of these people because they will make you not motivated to study and take stress before the exam
Do not feel remorse for your entertainment:
some people think that they have to study all the time on the night of the exam but this is not possible no one can study during the day and night so if you have a short time to enjoy your favourite don’t feel guilty
Change your study location:
If you are always sitting in the library and in a fixed place or the floor of your room is full of papers and exam papers you will get tired and bored if you change your study location, you will feel more refreshed and refreshed you increase your productivity to learn and reduce your stress.
Do things that calm you down:
try to set aside a short amount of time to do things that calm you down doing things you love such as listening to your favourite confectionery that calms you down can relieve you of stress for a while that’s why you will have more energy and vitality when you start studying again
Keep calm and calm during the exam:
On the day of the test, take a deep breath and relax your body before you get out of bed to do this you can listen to soothing music or meditate try not to talk to any of your classmates before the exam because talking to them only increases your stress its best to be quiet before the exam reduce your stress by being optimistic and confident if you have the opportunity you can write down positive thoughts like yours before the exam this simple task will have a positive effect on your mind
when they put you to the test, you may feel stressed and think that you have not read what you have read its best to meditate for a minute, close your eyes and focus on exhaling and exhaling note that a quick meditation can restore your peace of mind
Do not be upset after the exam:
Sometimes after the exam, your classmates talk about the exam and answer the stress of the question is created before the test but keep in mind that thinking about it is of no use to you believe that you have done your best and can no longer change anything take a deep breath after the test encourage yourself by buying prizes or inviting to a delicious dinner because of the hardships you have endured.
In this article, we looked at ways to deal with stress before the exam. Everyone is stressed before the exam amount of stressed pas prepare for the exam and focus but too much stress can have serious consequences for people stress can affect many students, but unfortunately, this is a topic that isn’t given much attention to treating this type of stress you must first understand what caused it to take shape.
If you really aim to get a high score on exams, Do not miss “Many Ways To Boost Your Score On Exam “.