Bloor Collegiate Institute

  • Founded in 1925
  • 850 students
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About Bloor Collegiate Institute

Welcome to Bloor Collegiate Institute

In the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s the student body was predominantly composed of immigrants and first-generation Canadians of immigrants of mostly European origin (especially English, Irish, Ukrainian, Italian, Indian, Greek and Portuguese although some students were of Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Jamaican, and Tamil background). Currently, 70% of students speak a language other than English at home. Bloor students come from the neighbouring community as well as from communities across the city for the TOPS on Bloor Program.

Principal: Susana Arnott

Bloor CI has three SHSM Programs: Business, Health and Wellness and Information & Communications Technology.

Bloor Collegiate Institute (Bloor CI, BCI, or Bloor, originally Davenport High School and Bloor High School) is a public secondary school located at the intersection of Bloor Street and Dufferin Street in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Address: 1141 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M6H 1M9, Canada

Bloor C.I. believes that success is the only option and has been providing excellence since 1925. Bloor C.I. celebrates its students’ success with over 80 different awards annually. Students compete and earn distinction in national mathematics, computer science and science competitions. Students achieve high levels of standing in Advanced Placement exams administered through the College Board. Recent graduates have received thousands of dollars worth of awards including scholarships to McMaster, McGill, Ryerson and York universities and to the universities of Toronto and Waterloo.

Twitter: @bloorci

Facebook: @bloorcollegiate

Instagram: @bci_math

Special Alumni: 

  • Tony Silipo, School Trustee, NDP MPP, Minister of Education
  • Frank Gehry, Architect
  • Peter Glassen, Philosopher
  • Ric Holt, Computer Scientist
  • Sunny Pannu, Real Estate Developer
  • Susan Ioannou, Poet
  • Rik Emmett, Musician
  • Derek McGrath, Actor Poet
  • Terence Young, Form
  • Sandy Duarte, Dora Mavor Moore Award-Winning Actor


  1. Tony Silipo Memorial Award: 2012
  2. Recipient of Loran Scholarship: 2013
  3. Participants at DECA International 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
  4. TDSB Top Graduate: 2014 and 2015
  5. Queen's University Chancellor Scholarship Recipient: 2014
  6. AP Scholars with Distinction
  7. Schulich Leadership Scholarship: 2016 

Remember, it will always feel good when after extensive hard work, you achieve something on your own without any help or assistance. This sense of achievement will eventually generate the feeling of pride, self-esteem and confidence. That self-confidence will boost your spirits, and you start seeing positivity in every situation and problem. However, achieving such a state is not possible without discipline.

The school was named as the TDSB secondary school showing the greatest rate of improvement in the 2011–2012 Fraser Institute Report. The school is (as of the 2014–2015 ranking) ranked at 16th place out of the 627 secondary schools in the province.

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