North Toronto Collegiate Institute

  • Founded in 1910
  • Approximately 1380 students
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North Toronto Collegiate Institute is a popular and successful high school in Toronto, Canada. This public school provides 9-12 grades.

About North Toronto Collegiate Institute

Welcome to North Toronto Collegiate Institute

North Toronto Collegiate Institute is a private, non-profit educational institution located in North Toronto, Ontario.

It is also known as North Toronto CI, NTCI, or North Toronto. It is a non-semester public high school with about 1,200 students in the North Toronto region of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and is part of the Toronto District School Board. 

The Toronto District Institution Board is in charge of the operation and governance of the school. The Toronto Board of Education was in control of the school from the time it was established until 1998.


Dr. Jane A. Lee, 

The school is situated in Midtown Toronto, in the Yonge and Eglinton neighborhood, and serves students from across the world. Approximately 80% of students come from the nearby neighborhoods of Chaplin Estates, Lytton Park, Mount Pleasant, Davisville Village, and Bayview Avenue. 

The remaining 20% come from the neighborhoods of Moore Park and Lawrence Park, Broadway Avenue, and St. Clair Avenue (which are typically middle-to-high income earning areas). 

North Toronto C.I. is the home school for the vast majority of pupils. However, a lottery system is still in place for pupils who want to enroll in the school from outside of the district. The Eglinton station of the Toronto Transit Commission is the nearest subway station. Their slogan is "Labor Omnia Vincit," which translates as "Work Vincit's Everything."

In May 2012, North Toronto CI celebrated its 100th anniversary as a community organization.


North Toronto High School, established in 1910 and customarily situated in the North Toronto Town Hall, was established in the year 2000. A total of five rooms were housed in the original two-story school building, which was finished in 1912. 

In 1914, architect Charles Hartnoll Bishop added a third story to the north side of the structure was converted into a classroom space when the south part was completed in 1915. Aside from the math (east) wing, which was built in 1956, a swimming pool, cafeteria, and auditorium, as well as the science wing, which was built in 1966–1967, other expansions were made.


There are several sports clubs and intramural leagues in North Toronto, CI, which total 50 sports teams. Minor or major sports teams are classed according to their players' and coaches' amount of time and effort. Students are not permitted to participate on two major teams in the same season.

In 2012, the North Toronto CI boys' varsity ice hockey team won the TDSSA title for the first time since 1952, a historic achievement. For the first time since 2005, the girls' field hockey team from North Toronto CI has won the TDSSA title three times in a row.

A championship was won by the North Toronto junior girls' basketball team in 2010/11, which was the first time the team had done so. 

Also, the North Toronto women's varsity field hockey A Team won the Tier 1 conference finals and advanced to the City Championships after finishing first in the conference.

City champions of the TDSSAA in 2012, the North Toronto varsity hockey team

The North Toronto varsity boys hockey team won the TDSSAA City Championship and qualified for the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations Championships, which will be held in Peterborough this summer. 

This was North Toronto's first varsity hockey title since 1952 and the team's first-ever participation in the OFSAA.

Sports in the fall


Cross-country travel Running

Field Hockey







Sports in the winter


Alpine Skiing


Snowboard Racing


Ice hockey




Sports in the spring





Track and field






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