Ancaster High school

  • Founded in 1959
  • 1200 (approximately) students
  • 1 reviews about this school
  • 2 / 5 by Reviews

Do you want to know more about Ancaster high school? you are at the right place, Ancaster high school is a member of the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board.

About Ancaster High school

Welcome to Ancaster High school

Ancaster has a lot of departments, one of them is Co-operative Education. This curriculum is based on the belief that students will learn valuable employment skills through practical work experiences. Students will gain confidence in their abilities to work with others in real workplace experience. Students will become better citizens in their community and beyond by making connections with those who are making their community a better place. So students will complete their storefront presentations as a culminating activity for this course.

The other important department of Ancaster is the Math Department, here is the name and E-mail of some the teachers who teach there:
Mr. J. Hendriks (Department Head): [email protected]
Mr. J. Vallance (Assistant Department Head):  [email protected]
Mr. S. Rancourt: [email protected]

The school also offers special education classes as well as an ESL program. Ancaster High School is a registered International Baccalaureate School.

Ancaster Board Priorities focus on:

• student Learning and Achievement through effective instructional strategies;
• building student and staff well-being through positive climate strategies;
• improving our communication through comprehensive strategies;
• investment in school renewal to improve school facilities; and
• strengthening our collaboration with new and existing community partners to enhance opportunities for students.

Principal: Beth Woof


Sports (Grade 9): Healthy Active Living Education, Performance Sports Training (co-ed), Hockey Focus (co-ed)
Sports (Grade 10): Healthy Active Living Education, Performance Sports Training (co-ed)
Sports (Grade 11): Fit For Life (Girls), Healthy Active Living Education (Boys), Personal Fitness (co-ed), Hockey Focus (co-ed), Team Games (co-ed)
Sports (Grade 12): Fit For Life (Girls), Fitness and Weight Training (Boys), Recreation and Fitness Leadership (co-ed), Introductory Kinesiology (co-ed)


The Mathematics Department at Ancaster High School offers plenty of opportunities for students to develop to their fullest potential. We have a very knowledgeable and energetic department that is eager to assist. In the classroom, students will be involved with everything from ‘hands-on’ activities to the use of calculators, computers, SmartBoards and some of Ancaster newest technology…iPads and Apple TV. This is an exciting time for both the students and Ancaster department as they engage in learning and interacting together with this new and exciting technology.

Students will also have an opportunity to participate in a series of math contests that come from the University of Waterloo. These contests are designed to allow students a chance to test their knowledge, understanding, and problem-solving abilities. Contests begin at the grade nine level and continue to senior year.


What do students and parents think about Ancaster High school?

Average rating: 2 / 5

1 reviews

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Guest wrote on (2023-Sep-13) :

I hear some students smoke marijuana in the restroom?this

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